
Ewald's first law & Flourens' law


When faced with a patient who has vertigo and nystagmus, the clinician must decide whether that nystagmus is due to a “peripheral” lesion in the vestibular end-organ or a “central” lesion in the brainstem or cerebellum. One useful guideline is Ewald’s first law, which implies that the trajectory of nystagmus generated by a semicircular canal (SCC) should reflect the anatomic orientation of that SCC. For example nystagmus generated by the lateral SCC is predominantly horizontal, and nystagmus from the anterior or posterior SCCs is thought to be mixed torsional and vertical, because those SCCs are oriented diagonally in the temporal bone. Electrical stimulation of individual SCC nerves in frontal- and lateral-eyed animals has confirmed this relationship between the axis of the SCC and the axis of the resulting eye rotation. (Cremer, PD, et al.: Posterior semicircular canal nystagmus is conjugate and its axis is parallel to that of the canal. Neurology 54:2016-2020,2000)



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